
Digital Jobs PH Freelancing & E-commerce Training Programs


Massive Open Online Course


Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the learners for the DICT digitaljobsPH Freelancing & E-commerce Training Programs as part of the “Scaling the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s Digital Jobs Philippines Offering through Massive Open Online Courses” project, jointly led by the DICT, MOOCSX PH, and Coursera. The DICT shall cover the training expenses for the duration of the program.

As a grantee, you are expected to perform, and be guided with the following:

  1. Complete your selected learning track within the approved duration as prescribed by the course organizers;
  2. Devote the necessary amount of time and carry out the activities as stated in the plan of activities;
  3. Conduct oneself professionally and use the knowledge gained in this training in the interest of the public good;
  4. Acknowledge the support of the DICT in all reports and any publication arising from the training, a copy of which should be provided to DICT;
  5. Learners who are inactive for fourteen (14) days or those who voluntarily withdraw from the program without justifiable reason shall have their license to access Coursera revoked and shall be banned from participating in any DICT training program;
  6. Participate in the training monitoring and evaluation survey to be conducted by the organizers;
  7. The learners who complete the courses may be tapped as resource person for related activities of the DICT in the future in a one-time free of charge service.

Should you accept the above-cited conditions, kindly accomplish the agreement form below.

For inquiries, you may contact the DigitalJobsPH Team through [email protected]